EZ PID tuning


  1. Set FF (Stick Response) to 0
  2. Set D Max (Dynamic Damping) to 0
  3. Set I Gains (Drift – Wobble) to 0 or something minimal, 0.2~
  4. Try for P to D ratio, by dragging D Gains (5 inch can start from 0.6, sub 4 inch can starts from 1) at +0.2 increment.
  5. Find a P to D ratio which has no overshoot.
  6. Try for I Gains, aim for the value before overshoot, you can test in +0.2 or +0.3 increment.
  7. Test for master multiplier in +0.2 increment, aim for best alignment.
  8. Aim for noise floor below -30 for gyro, below -10 for Dterm. There should not be oscillation between 40-80Hz.
  9. By now the gyro data should be close to a perfect shadow of the setpoint, now tweak FF to make them align perfectly onto each other.
  10. Optional, boost I Gains to optimize cornering behavior if racing.