For a “entry” pen display, the color configurator behavior is really weird. The brightness and custom color slider doesn’t seems to do much and too much at the same time. The value doesn’t seems to be absolute and does some funky things behind the scene.
I could get similar white point results using i1display pro using a wide combination of settings, even as far as using 0 Brightness. With a target of 120cd/m2 6500K using DisplayCal:-
B0 C50 RGB 129 132 122 gives me 96.6% sRGB / 66.5% Adobe RGB
B33 C50 RGB 6500K(preset) gives me 96.3% sRGB / 66.4%Adobe RGB
B56 C50 RGB 125 128 119 gives me 96.1% sRGB / 66.2% Adobe RGB
So I highly suggest starting from Brightness 0 and adjusting the RGB slider to match your brightness and give it a try.